[ใหม่] Huge Price Buy Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 Inversion Table With Healthy Back DVD

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Whether you want to improve your posture, reduce back pain, or simply minimize your daily stress load, the Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 inversion therapy table makes a terrific choice. Inversion therapy works by placing your body in line with the downward force of gravity. In the process, inversion elongates the spine, increases the space between the vertebrae, and relieves the pressure on discs, ligaments, and nerve roots. And less pressure means less back pain, as well as fewer headaches and neck problems. Inversion is ideal for people with persistent spine and muscle aches, in addition to athletes who frequently push their bodies out of whack through repetitive muscle motions, such as runners, weightlifters, skiers, cyclists, and golfers. Studies suggest that inverting yourself a mere 25 degrees for even a few minutes per day can have tremendous positive effects.
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Never before has an inversion table worked with your body the way an EP series inversion table does. The EP-950--Teeter's top-of-the-line EP inversion table--uses Teeter's patented Flex Technology design to move as you move. By working with your body instead of against it, the table accommodates a greater range of motion than other tables, promoting realignment of the spine and relaxing your muscles. The EP-950 then adds an optimal surface for decompression, with a smooth, light-friction texture that allows the body to slide and achieve a premium stretch. Plus, engineering tests have shown that Teeter inversion tables are the most precisely balanced tables on the market. This allows users to control the lockout more confidently in full inversion.

In addition to its EP-standard features, the EP-950 offers a number of upgrades over other Teeter EP tables. The table's ratchet ankle lock system, for instance, offers an easy-to-reach solution in addition to a triple-lock security feature. The table also includes EZ Stretch handles to help increase traction and enhance your stretching experience. To make your inversion more efficient, the table's EZ Angle tether strap lets you preset your rotation angles at 20, 40, or 60 degrees. This provides an easy guide to where the benefits of inversion begin and are fully realized. Finally, the table includes a new Ankle Comfort Dial that adjusts for smaller or larger feet, allowing you to find a comfortable and secure fit for your ankle clamps.